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  • Writer's pictureLance Hillis

Visual Elements and Compositional Principles

Name the design principle that distorts realistic relationships for visual effect and emphasis.

  • Scale creates distortions in composition to make a design more dynamic and engaging. Variety in scale also serves to conceptually distort the size relation of one element to another to emphasize importance.

Name the three building blocks of design that pertain to form.

  1. Negative Space - white space, a visually quite area that surrounds the active area of composition

  2. Geometric Forms - have uniform properties that are not developed in nature.

  3. Organic Forms - forms with no set proportions or properties restricting them, appear three dimensional, with all irregularities

Describe the eight organizational systems that apply to typography.

Organizational systems of typography imbue a message with visual meaning based on the character of a font, its style, and its composition, ascribing emotional content to the message.

  1. Alignment - lining of text within a grid on an invisible and ordered line where text sits

  2. Contrast - adds energy and visual range to the qualities of one object in comparison to another. It also include color contrasts, such as hue, which strengthens and weakens texts, and adds visual range and context to the text.

  3. Emphasis - the focal point in a composition, which draws the eye to it, before the eye engages with the rest of the information. It works in conjunction with contrast, repetition, and movement to achieve its purpose, and is strongly linked to visual hierarchy.

  4. Movement - Creates visual instability, using vertical lines and overlapping place to imply depth. Typography can be used by overlapping into or outside of the grid, but in effect destroys its legibility.

  5. Scale - variety in size of elements to create a dynamic and effective composition. A composition is flat without diversity in scale.

  6. Rhythm - the effect produced in a magazine by varying the placement of elements within a grid structure. It’s the recurrent themes that create movement, tension and emotional value, and allow variations to be more impactful.

  7. Repetition - Creates visual consistency, using the same style of headline or any set of elements repeatedly.

  8. Balance - Symmetry; an important design quality embedded in our DNA. The balancing of visual elements calms the tension and grounds the design.

What are two typographic categories?

  • Two forms of typographic categories are title, which serves the function to attract the reader to the content of the text block, which usually possesses a strong visual dynamic. The second is the text block, which is possesses a legible and easily digestible function. The reader will decide whether they want to read this level based on primary and secondary type levels.

How many levels of visual hierarchy are needed for hierarchy to exist?

  • Three levels of typographic hierarchy are commonly applied, but a visual hierarchy has a most important to least important level, with variance based on size, position, lightness and darkness, color, and so on.

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