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  • Writer's pictureLance Hillis

Ineffective Magazine Advertisements

These are categorized as great, average, and bad. The first is an advertisement for Old Spice. It's funny, it's unique, it has a recognizable public figure, and it portrays its mission statement in an effective and seamless way. The second advertisement is for Red Bull. The advertisement is simple and attractive, it utilizes the marketing concept they're known for by giving you "wings", and raises awareness for a new product they are trying to push. The minimalism of it works, but it doesn't come across as unique or memorable in any way. The third is a vintage advertisement for Murad Cigarettes. The advertisement completely misses the mark on target demographics, using Santa Claus as their central figure. The body text indicates that it's for grown-ups, but it seems to be targeted towards children, which is even less effective with how menacing Santa truly looks in this picture.

The next category is based on lack of hierarchy. The first ad is for smoking. It has a powerful image depicting the shape of lungs made completely out of cigarettes, with a simple, yet powerful message, "Smoking causes lung cancer". The font type is bold and weathered, with lung cancer matching the color scheme of the cigarettes, while standing out from the first text, to highlight the call to action. The second ad is for Starbucks. The text is the most prominent part of the ad, but the different sizes chosen for each line make it difficult to read and easy to ignore. I still haven't read what it has to say, even as I'm writing this. The third ad is for Listerine. The text is literally unreadable, it's so small. There is a tremendous amount of negative space between the gross teeth, and the Listerine bottle (which is virtually unreadable as well) that could've been used to communicate their message in a minimal way.

These are some graphic design presentation examples of magazine print to web advertisement. The first is Red Foxx holding a can of Colt 45. I really like this ad because of the 70's feel, the recognizable public figure, the unique pose that indicates joy, and the simplicity of it. The second is for Mint Vinetu. The advertisement is attractive and effective. It communicates that reading brings you into the world of another person, and that you can do that at Mint Vinetu. The only issue I can note is that the advertisement is far too small, it's easy to ignore it altogether. The third I picked was for Ralph Lauren. The model is clearly photoshopped very poorly to look unrealistically skinny, giving her an unnatural body type. It discredits the company as unethical and manipulative, which is counterproductive to the intent of Ralph Lauren.

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